Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge!Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge!Wed, Apr 2, 5:30 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge! to your collection.Share Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge! with your friends.
From sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer earlyFrom sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer earlyThu, Apr 3, 6:00 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave From sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer early to your collection.Share From sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer early with your friends.
Women who Create 2025: the Feminine and the ArtsWomen who Create 2025: the Feminine and the ArtsToday at 10:00 AMLucy Cavendish College and Online • CambridgeStarts at 109,05 £London Arts-Based Research Centre598 followersSave Women who Create 2025: the Feminine and the Arts to your collection.Share Women who Create 2025: the Feminine and the Arts with your friends.
The Impossibility of WhalesThe Impossibility of WhalesThu, Apr 3, 8:00 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave The Impossibility of Whales to your collection.Share The Impossibility of Whales with your friends.
Women who Create 2025: the Feminine and the ArtsWomen who Create 2025: the Feminine and the ArtsToday at 10:00 AMLucy Cavendish College and Online • CambridgeStarts at 109,05 £London Arts-Based Research Centre598 followersSave Women who Create 2025: the Feminine and the Arts to your collection.Share Women who Create 2025: the Feminine and the Arts with your friends.
Antarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen FrontierAntarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen FrontierToday at 1:30 PMCockcroft Lecture Theatre (through the Pembroke Archway), New Museums Site • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave Antarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen Frontier to your collection.Share Antarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen Frontier with your friends.
Newborn language and communication signalsNewborn language and communication signalsToday at 2:30 PMOld Cavendish Laboratory Rayleigh Wing, Ground Floor Seminar Room • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave Newborn language and communication signals to your collection.Share Newborn language and communication signals with your friends.
The Psychology of Starting School: Q&A discussion of a new book for parentsThe Psychology of Starting School: Q&A discussion of a new book for parentsToday at 11:30 AMOld Cavendish Laboratory Rayleigh Wing, Ground Floor Seminar Room • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave The Psychology of Starting School: Q&A discussion of a new book for parents to your collection.Share The Psychology of Starting School: Q&A discussion of a new book for parents with your friends.
Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge!Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge!Wed, Apr 2, 5:30 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge! to your collection.Share Discover the Future of Sustainable Eating in Cambridge! with your friends.
From sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer earlyFrom sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer earlyThu, Apr 3, 6:00 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave From sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer early to your collection.Share From sponges to AI: New technologies for finding cancer early with your friends.
The Impossibility of WhalesThe Impossibility of WhalesThu, Apr 3, 8:00 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave The Impossibility of Whales to your collection.Share The Impossibility of Whales with your friends.
Antarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen FrontierAntarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen FrontierToday at 1:30 PMCockcroft Lecture Theatre (through the Pembroke Archway), New Museums Site • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave Antarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen Frontier to your collection.Share Antarctic Adventure - Explore the Frozen Frontier with your friends.
The Impossibility of WhalesThe Impossibility of WhalesThu, Apr 3, 8:00 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave The Impossibility of Whales to your collection.Share The Impossibility of Whales with your friends.
FameLab Cambridge FinalFameLab Cambridge FinalFri, Apr 4, 8:00 PMCambridge Union Society • CambridgeFreeCambridge Festival1.8k followersSave FameLab Cambridge Final to your collection.Share FameLab Cambridge Final with your friends.
Urban HausUrban HausToday at 8:00 PMThe Grain & Hop Store • CambridgeFreeSave Urban Haus to your collection.Share Urban Haus with your friends.
The Rock Orchestra by Candlelight: CambridgeThe Rock Orchestra by Candlelight: CambridgeMon, Oct 20, 8:00 PMCambridge Corn Exchange • CambridgeStarts at 40,54 £The Rock Orchestra14.2k followersSave The Rock Orchestra by Candlelight: Cambridge to your collection.Share The Rock Orchestra by Candlelight: Cambridge with your friends.
New Technologies, Human Rights, and Accountability in Latin AmericaNew Technologies, Human Rights, and Accountability in Latin AmericaTue, Apr 8, 4:00 PMAnglia Ruskin University Cambridge Campus • CambridgeFreeCentre for Access to Justice and Inclusion94 followersSave New Technologies, Human Rights, and Accountability in Latin America to your collection.Share New Technologies, Human Rights, and Accountability in Latin America with your friends.
Smoke of IncenseSmoke of IncenseMon, Mar 31, 7:30 PMTrinity College Chapel • CambridgeStarts at 12,00 £Nahoft Ensemble48 followersSave Smoke of Incense to your collection.Share Smoke of Incense with your friends.
Viola Masterpieces: From Schubert to BrahmsViola Masterpieces: From Schubert to BrahmsMon, Mar 31, 6:00 PMHughes Hall, University of Cambridge • CambridgeHughes Hall events186 followersSave Viola Masterpieces: From Schubert to Brahms to your collection.Share Viola Masterpieces: From Schubert to Brahms with your friends.
Not for a Cat: A Play for the Nuclear AgeNot for a Cat: A Play for the Nuclear AgeSat, Apr 5, 6:00 PMPalmerston Room • CambridgeFreeSave Not for a Cat: A Play for the Nuclear Age to your collection.Share Not for a Cat: A Play for the Nuclear Age with your friends.
NOW! That's What I Call...DRAG! Cambridge!NOW! That's What I Call...DRAG! Cambridge!Thu, Apr 17, 7:00 PMThe Blue Moon • CambridgeStarts at 12,62 £NOW! That's What I Call...DRAG!707 followersSave NOW! That's What I Call...DRAG! Cambridge! to your collection.Share NOW! That's What I Call...DRAG! Cambridge! with your friends.