Fuckup Night Vol. 41 @ Scaling SpacesFuckup Night Vol. 41 @ Scaling SpacesThu, Mar 27, 7:30 PMScaling Spaces - H:32 • BerlinStarts at 12,55 €Fuckup Night Berlin150 followersSave Fuckup Night Vol. 41 @ Scaling Spaces to your collection.Share Fuckup Night Vol. 41 @ Scaling Spaces with your friends.
Colours of RagasColours of RagasThu, Mar 6, 6:00 PMIndische Botschaft • BerlinFreeThe Tagore Centre, Embassy of India, Berlin1.2k followersSave Colours of Ragas to your collection.Share Colours of Ragas with your friends.
Norwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein WiikNorwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein WiikWed, Mar 26, 7:00 PMNordische Botschaften Berlin, Felleshus • BerlinFreeKgl. Norwegische Botschaft61 followersSave Norwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein Wiik to your collection.Share Norwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein Wiik with your friends.
Berlin Big Business Tech & Entrepreneur Professional Networking SoireeBerlin Big Business Tech & Entrepreneur Professional Networking SoireeMon, Mar 10, 6:30 PMMonkey Bar • BerlinToronto Entrepreneur and Startup Network8.1k followersSave Berlin Big Business Tech & Entrepreneur Professional Networking Soiree to your collection.Share Berlin Big Business Tech & Entrepreneur Professional Networking Soiree with your friends.
Colours of RagasColours of RagasThu, Mar 6, 6:00 PMIndische Botschaft • BerlinFreeThe Tagore Centre, Embassy of India, Berlin1.2k followersSave Colours of Ragas to your collection.Share Colours of Ragas with your friends.
Norwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein WiikNorwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein WiikWed, Mar 26, 7:00 PMNordische Botschaften Berlin, Felleshus • BerlinFreeKgl. Norwegische Botschaft61 followersSave Norwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein Wiik to your collection.Share Norwegischer Thrillerabend mit Ingar Johnsrud und Øystein Wiik with your friends.
EPR Richtlinie und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der TextilbrancheEPR Richtlinie und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der TextilbrancheFri, Mar 21, 3:00 PMBIKINI BERLIN The Concept Shopping Mall • BerlinFreeBHT Startup Hub (Berliner Hochschule für Technik)719 followersSave EPR Richtlinie und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Textilbranche to your collection.Share EPR Richtlinie und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Textilbranche with your friends.
Vor Spitzbergens geopolitischer Kulisse: Aslak Nores Thriller FelsengrundVor Spitzbergens geopolitischer Kulisse: Aslak Nores Thriller FelsengrundMon, Mar 31, 7:00 PMNordische Botschaften Berlin, Felleshus • BerlinFreeKgl. Norwegische Botschaft61 followersSave Vor Spitzbergens geopolitischer Kulisse: Aslak Nores Thriller Felsengrund to your collection.Share Vor Spitzbergens geopolitischer Kulisse: Aslak Nores Thriller Felsengrund with your friends.
Kostenloses Kino-Event: BEING BLANCHE HOUELLEBECQKostenloses Kino-Event: BEING BLANCHE HOUELLEBECQTue, Mar 11, 8:30 PMCinema Paris • BerlinFreeSooner.deSave Kostenloses Kino-Event: BEING BLANCHE HOUELLEBECQ to your collection.Share Kostenloses Kino-Event: BEING BLANCHE HOUELLEBECQ with your friends.
TANZ IN DEN FEIERTAG - Helden der Nacht @ TrompeteTANZ IN DEN FEIERTAG - Helden der Nacht @ TrompeteFri, Mar 7, 9:00 PMTrompete - Berlin • BerlinStarts at 15,00 €Helden der Nacht38 followersSave TANZ IN DEN FEIERTAG - Helden der Nacht @ Trompete to your collection.Share TANZ IN DEN FEIERTAG - Helden der Nacht @ Trompete with your friends.
jazzwerkstatt w/VOCCIA & EBERHARD + TABORN & EVANSjazzwerkstatt w/VOCCIA & EBERHARD + TABORN & EVANSWed, Mar 5, 8:00 PMInstitut français Berlin • BerlinStarts at 25,00 €jazzexzess252 followersSave jazzwerkstatt w/VOCCIA & EBERHARD + TABORN & EVANS to your collection.Share jazzwerkstatt w/VOCCIA & EBERHARD + TABORN & EVANS with your friends.
LUIDJILUIDJIFri, Apr 11, 8:00 PMMetropol • BerlinStarts at 31,08 €NowAndEver Music35 followersSave LUIDJI to your collection.Share LUIDJI with your friends.
Berlin by Foot: Schöneberg Uncovered- Riots, Raves, and RevolutionsBerlin by Foot: Schöneberg Uncovered- Riots, Raves, and RevolutionsSat, Apr 26, 1:00 PMWittenbergplatz • BerlinStarts at 20,00 €The Berliner257 followersSave Berlin by Foot: Schöneberg Uncovered- Riots, Raves, and Revolutions to your collection.Share Berlin by Foot: Schöneberg Uncovered- Riots, Raves, and Revolutions with your friends.
Charlottenwalk-EN - Discover contemporary art through international artistsCharlottenwalk-EN - Discover contemporary art through international artistsSat, Mar 15, 12:00 PMAnahita Sadighi • BerlinStarts at 20,00 €Charlottenwalk Galerierundgang22 followersSave Charlottenwalk-EN - Discover contemporary art through international artists to your collection.Share Charlottenwalk-EN - Discover contemporary art through international artists with your friends.
Berlin by Foot: 1968 in West BerlinBerlin by Foot: 1968 in West BerlinSun, Mar 23, 2:00 PMHardenbergstraße 22-24 • BerlinStarts at 15,00 €The Berliner257 followersSave Berlin by Foot: 1968 in West Berlin to your collection.Share Berlin by Foot: 1968 in West Berlin with your friends.
Charlottenwalk Tour 7 EN: We discover contemporary photographyCharlottenwalk Tour 7 EN: We discover contemporary photographySat, Mar 15, 3:00 PMgalerie burster • BerlinStarts at 20,00 €Charlottenwalk Galerierundgang22 followersSave Charlottenwalk Tour 7 EN: We discover contemporary photography to your collection.Share Charlottenwalk Tour 7 EN: We discover contemporary photography with your friends.
ALDA MERINI. POESIE DAL 1947 AL 2009ALDA MERINI. POESIE DAL 1947 AL 2009Thu, Mar 6, 7:00 PMIstituto Italiano di Cultura/ Italienisches Kulturinstitut • BerlinFreeItalienisches Kulturinstitut Berlin und Italienische Botschaft in Berlin36 followersSave ALDA MERINI. POESIE DAL 1947 AL 2009 to your collection.Share ALDA MERINI. POESIE DAL 1947 AL 2009 with your friends.
2. Anbietertreffen: Testen & Experimentieren am Innovationsstandort Berlin2. Anbietertreffen: Testen & Experimentieren am Innovationsstandort BerlinFri, Mar 14, 9:00 AMTU Berlin, EINS - Innovationsplattform und Coworkingspace • BerlinFreeGeschäftsstelle Zukunftsorte42 followersSave 2. Anbietertreffen: Testen & Experimentieren am Innovationsstandort Berlin to your collection.Share 2. Anbietertreffen: Testen & Experimentieren am Innovationsstandort Berlin with your friends.
The MarTech Summit Berlin 2025The MarTech Summit Berlin 2025Wed, Mar 5, 8:30 AMIntercontinental Berlin • BerlinStarts at 2 131,02 €BEETc.154 followersSave The MarTech Summit Berlin 2025 to your collection.Share The MarTech Summit Berlin 2025 with your friends.
Data Demystified Summit BerlinData Demystified Summit BerlinTue, Mar 4, 8:30 AMInterContinental Berlin • BerlinStarts at 1 380,94 €BEETc.154 followersSave Data Demystified Summit Berlin to your collection.Share Data Demystified Summit Berlin with your friends.
Colours of RagasColours of RagasThu, Mar 6, 6:00 PMIndische Botschaft • BerlinFreeThe Tagore Centre, Embassy of India, Berlin1.2k followersSave Colours of Ragas to your collection.Share Colours of Ragas with your friends.
DER KLEINE PRINZ - Teilszen. Aufführung des Musiktheaters von Basti BundDER KLEINE PRINZ - Teilszen. Aufführung des Musiktheaters von Basti BundSat, Mar 8, 11:30 AMUniversität der Künste Berlin • BerlinStarts at 7,00 €Save DER KLEINE PRINZ - Teilszen. Aufführung des Musiktheaters von Basti Bund to your collection.Share DER KLEINE PRINZ - Teilszen. Aufführung des Musiktheaters von Basti Bund with your friends.
LEISE FLIEßT DIE ZEIT - Konzert zum WeltfrauentagLEISE FLIEßT DIE ZEIT - Konzert zum WeltfrauentagSat, Mar 8, 6:00 PMUniversität der Künste Berlin • BerlinStarts at 7,00 €Save LEISE FLIEßT DIE ZEIT - Konzert zum Weltfrauentag to your collection.Share LEISE FLIEßT DIE ZEIT - Konzert zum Weltfrauentag with your friends.
FREE CONCERT IN BERLIN - University of Alabama University SingersFREE CONCERT IN BERLIN - University of Alabama University SingersMon, Mar 10, 7:00 PMKaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church • BerlinFreePerform International519 followersSave FREE CONCERT IN BERLIN - University of Alabama University Singers to your collection.Share FREE CONCERT IN BERLIN - University of Alabama University Singers with your friends.