CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25Thu, Mar 13, 7:00 PMCCI GRAND LILLE • LILLEStarts at 20,00 €CCI Grand Lille784 followersSave CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25 to your collection.Share CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25 with your friends.
#NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille !#NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille !Thu, Feb 27, 1:30 PMIFAG - Ecole de management et de ressources humaines - Lille • LilleFreeL'Ecole du Recrutement1.1k followersSave #NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille ! to your collection.Share #NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille ! with your friends.
Cash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition clientCash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition clientThu, Mar 13, 6:00 PMGARAGE • LilleFreeTarget Triumph38 followersSave Cash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition client to your collection.Share Cash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition client with your friends.
"Designe ta stratégie business""Designe ta stratégie business"Tue, Mar 11, 8:30 AMCCI GRAND LILLE • LILLEStarts at 15,00 €CCI Grand Lille784 followersSave "Designe ta stratégie business" to your collection.Share "Designe ta stratégie business" with your friends.
Débat Coupe Lilloise FGES-La TribuneDébat Coupe Lilloise FGES-La TribuneSun, Feb 23, 6:00 PMIÉSEG School of Management B050 • LilleFreeLa Tribune IÉSEG Lille19 followersSave Débat Coupe Lilloise FGES-La Tribune to your collection.Share Débat Coupe Lilloise FGES-La Tribune with your friends.
#NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille !#NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille !Thu, Feb 27, 1:30 PMIFAG - Ecole de management et de ressources humaines - Lille • LilleFreeL'Ecole du Recrutement1.1k followersSave #NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille ! to your collection.Share #NCDR Lille 2025, la Non-Conférence du Recrutement à Lille ! with your friends.
Cash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition clientCash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition clientThu, Mar 13, 6:00 PMGARAGE • LilleFreeTarget Triumph38 followersSave Cash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition client to your collection.Share Cash & Cocktails - Afterwork Networking - Masterclass : Acquisition client with your friends.
Les Cafés Business - Now Coworking - LilleLes Cafés Business - Now Coworking - LilleTue, Mar 4, 8:30 AMNow Lille • LilleFreeLes Cafés Business190 followersSave Les Cafés Business - Now Coworking - Lille to your collection.Share Les Cafés Business - Now Coworking - Lille with your friends.
Petit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnelPetit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnelTue, Feb 25, 9:00 AMHub Valoxy • La MadeleineFreeVALOXY LILLE44 followersSave Petit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnel to your collection.Share Petit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnel with your friends.
La mouche Comedy Club X MadréLa mouche Comedy Club X MadréTue, Feb 25, 8:00 PMMadre • LilleFreeSave La mouche Comedy Club X Madré to your collection.Share La mouche Comedy Club X Madré with your friends.
Camp de base Lille - Soirée Film de MontagneCamp de base Lille - Soirée Film de MontagneTue, Jun 3, 8:00 PMLe Majestic • LilleStarts at 8,00 €Allibert Trekking - Guides par passion729 followersSave Camp de base Lille - Soirée Film de Montagne to your collection.Share Camp de base Lille - Soirée Film de Montagne with your friends.
Marrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux VedettesMarrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux VedettesThu, Feb 27, 8:00 PM50 Rue de la Monnaie • LilleFreemarrant.33 followersSave Marrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux Vedettes to your collection.Share Marrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux Vedettes with your friends.
CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25Thu, Mar 13, 7:00 PMCCI GRAND LILLE • LILLEStarts at 20,00 €CCI Grand Lille784 followersSave CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25 to your collection.Share CCI DIGITAL NIGHT 25 with your friends.
Petit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnelPetit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnelTue, Feb 25, 9:00 AMHub Valoxy • La MadeleineFreeVALOXY LILLE44 followersSave Petit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnel to your collection.Share Petit déj' Valoxy : Immobilier non professionnel with your friends.
Cérémonie Remise du Prix de l'Entrepreneur Edtech 2025Cérémonie Remise du Prix de l'Entrepreneur Edtech 2025Thu, Mar 27, 6:30 PMJunia ISA LILLE • LilleFreeFondation Denise et Norbert Ségard et Edtech HdF14 followersSave Cérémonie Remise du Prix de l'Entrepreneur Edtech 2025 to your collection.Share Cérémonie Remise du Prix de l'Entrepreneur Edtech 2025 with your friends.
Ensemble, écrivons l'avenir de l'immobilier à Lille - Roadshow eXpEnsemble, écrivons l'avenir de l'immobilier à Lille - Roadshow eXpMon, Apr 28, 6:00 PMHôtel Couvent Des Minimes • LilleFreeeXp Realty France76 followersSave Ensemble, écrivons l'avenir de l'immobilier à Lille - Roadshow eXp to your collection.Share Ensemble, écrivons l'avenir de l'immobilier à Lille - Roadshow eXp with your friends.
La mouche Comedy Club X MadréLa mouche Comedy Club X MadréTue, Feb 25, 8:00 PMMadre • LilleFreeSave La mouche Comedy Club X Madré to your collection.Share La mouche Comedy Club X Madré with your friends.
Marrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux VedettesMarrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux VedettesThu, Feb 27, 8:00 PM50 Rue de la Monnaie • LilleFreemarrant.33 followersSave Marrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux Vedettes to your collection.Share Marrant Comedy Club - Tous les jeudis aux Vedettes with your friends.