Mamma mia events in Worcester, United Kingdom
How tech is transforming the legal sector
Thu, May 15, 8:00 AM
Westminster Building, University of Chester
How tech is transforming the legal sector
Thu, May 15, 8:00 AM
Westminster Building, University of Chester
Movie Night - Movies with Cats
Tomorrow at 7:00 PM
North Wingfield Road, Grassmoor, Chesterfield S42 5ED, UK
Movie Night - Movies with Cats
Tomorrow at 7:00 PM
North Wingfield Road, Grassmoor, Chesterfield S42 5ED, UK
Fashion Supply Chain Summit Manchester: From Design to Delivery
Tue, Apr 1, 2:00 PM
Shoosmiths Offices, The XYZ Building
Fashion Supply Chain Summit Manchester: From Design to Delivery
Tue, Apr 1, 2:00 PM
Shoosmiths Offices, The XYZ Building
Social Media Ethics: Navigating Risks, Rewards, and Responsibility
Monday at 7:00 PM
University of Hertfordshire
Social Media Ethics: Navigating Risks, Rewards, and Responsibility
Monday at 7:00 PM
University of Hertfordshire
Sisters of the Sunnah : Introductory Event
Tomorrow at 7:00 PM
HMCT – Heatons Muslims Community Trust
Sisters of the Sunnah : Introductory Event
Tomorrow at 7:00 PM
HMCT – Heatons Muslims Community Trust