Willows counselling events in Swindon, United Kingdom
How can storytelling support emotional lit. through an inclusive framework
Thu, Feb 27, 2:00 PM
Museum of Oxford
How can storytelling support emotional lit. through an inclusive framework
Thu, Feb 27, 2:00 PM
Museum of Oxford
Timber & Trowels: Pathway to Apprenticeships.
Tuesday at 8:30 AM
City of Oxford College - Blackbird Leys Technology Campus
Timber & Trowels: Pathway to Apprenticeships.
Tuesday at 8:30 AM
City of Oxford College - Blackbird Leys Technology Campus
Working with our ancestors - a workshop for counsellors and therapists
Sat, May 10, 10:00 AM
Tortworth Forest Centre & Arboretum
Working with our ancestors - a workshop for counsellors and therapists
Sat, May 10, 10:00 AM
Tortworth Forest Centre & Arboretum
Nature Tots (Mouse's Day Easter Holiday Session) - NDC, Thu 10 April (PM)
Thu, Apr 10, 1:30 PM
Nature Discovery Centre
Nature Tots (Mouse's Day Easter Holiday Session) - NDC, Thu 10 April (PM)
Thu, Apr 10, 1:30 PM
Nature Discovery Centre
WAGS - Souren Ala joins us to talk about 'Great Garden Plants'
Thu, Feb 27, 7:00 PM
St Hilda Lodge No. 1887. Masonic Lodge in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
WAGS - Souren Ala joins us to talk about 'Great Garden Plants'
Thu, Feb 27, 7:00 PM
St Hilda Lodge No. 1887. Masonic Lodge in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.