The digital sisterhood events in Sittingbourne, United Kingdom
Reclaiming the Right to the (Smart & Safe) City: A Decolonial Critique
Thu, Mar 6, 5:00 PM
University of Westminster
Reclaiming the Right to the (Smart & Safe) City: A Decolonial Critique
Thu, Mar 6, 5:00 PM
University of Westminster
Longtail Distribution Strategies & Brand Relationships for Filmmakers
Tue, May 20, 7:00 PM
Raindance Film Training Centre
Longtail Distribution Strategies & Brand Relationships for Filmmakers
Tue, May 20, 7:00 PM
Raindance Film Training Centre
Critically approaching the digital turn in method, meaning and recollection
Thu, May 22, 6:00 PM
Wilkins Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL
Critically approaching the digital turn in method, meaning and recollection
Thu, May 22, 6:00 PM
Wilkins Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL