Paranormal events in Worcester, MA
Table Tipping/ Turning
Sat, May 17, 4:00 PM
Deep Breaths Salon & Holistic Self Empowerment Center, Deep Breaths Salon & Holistic Self-Empowerment Center, Starline Way, Cranston, RI, USA
Table Tipping/ Turning
Sat, May 17, 4:00 PM
Deep Breaths Salon & Holistic Self Empowerment Center, Deep Breaths Salon & Holistic Self-Empowerment Center, Starline Way, Cranston, RI, USA
The Cobble Mountain Critter Festival
Sat, Jun 7, 9:00 AM
Moses Scout Reservation. "Home of The Cobble Mountain Critter."
The Cobble Mountain Critter Festival
Sat, Jun 7, 9:00 AM
Moses Scout Reservation. "Home of The Cobble Mountain Critter."
Paranormal Investigation Aboard the Haunted USS Salem
Sat, Jun 28, 8:00 PM
United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum & USS Salem
Paranormal Investigation Aboard the Haunted USS Salem
Sat, Jun 28, 8:00 PM
United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum & USS Salem