Dtwo events in Tullamore, Ireland
Coaching Teenage Girls - Connacht
Sat, 12 Apr, 10:00
Connacht Gaelic Athletic Association Centre of Excellence
Coaching Teenage Girls - Connacht
Sat, 12 Apr, 10:00
Connacht Gaelic Athletic Association Centre of Excellence
Toddler Time at dlr LexIcon - Puppets with Fernanda
Wed, 26 Mar, 10:30
LexIcon Library and Cultural Centre
Toddler Time at dlr LexIcon - Puppets with Fernanda
Wed, 26 Mar, 10:30
LexIcon Library and Cultural Centre
Dancing Well with Parkinson’s Friday Jan24-Mar28, 12.30-1.30pm |10 Wks
Fri, 24 Jan, 12:30
Dance Theatre of Ireland
Dancing Well with Parkinson’s Friday Jan24-Mar28, 12.30-1.30pm |10 Wks
Fri, 24 Jan, 12:30
Dance Theatre of Ireland
Youth Lates - Live Music by Young People for Young People
Fri, 28 Mar, 19:30
Nuns Island Theatre, H91 H322 Galway
Youth Lates - Live Music by Young People for Young People
Fri, 28 Mar, 19:30
Nuns Island Theatre, H91 H322 Galway
FRS/exida: Cyber Resilience, Safety & Industry Standards, Cybersecurity
Thu, 3 Apr, 08:00
Treacys Oakwood Hotel
FRS/exida: Cyber Resilience, Safety & Industry Standards, Cybersecurity
Thu, 3 Apr, 08:00
Treacys Oakwood Hotel