Siolta events in Clane, Ireland
Free Tour Leyendas y Misterios de Dublin
Tomorrow at 6:00 PM + 18 more
Barnardo Square, al lado del City Hall. Buscar un paraguas/bandera verde azulado con el nombre de “Paseando por Europa”
Free Tour Leyendas y Misterios de Dublin
Tomorrow at 6:00 PM + 18 more
Barnardo Square, al lado del City Hall. Buscar un paraguas/bandera verde azulado con el nombre de “Paseando por Europa”
Music for Wexford present the Sestina Ensemble - Saturday 26th April
Sat, Apr 26, 8:00 PM
St. Iberius' Church, Church of Ireland
Music for Wexford present the Sestina Ensemble - Saturday 26th April
Sat, Apr 26, 8:00 PM
St. Iberius' Church, Church of Ireland
Music for Wexford present Sing with Sestina - Saturday 26th April at 4pm
Sat, Apr 26, 4:00 PM
St. Iberius' Church, Church of Ireland
Music for Wexford present Sing with Sestina - Saturday 26th April at 4pm
Sat, Apr 26, 4:00 PM
St. Iberius' Church, Church of Ireland
Music for Wexford present Musici Ireland - Friday 20th June
Fri, Jun 20, 8:00 PM
Green Acres Restaurant, Wine Retail, Art Gallery, Coffee Shop & Deli
Music for Wexford present Musici Ireland - Friday 20th June
Fri, Jun 20, 8:00 PM
Green Acres Restaurant, Wine Retail, Art Gallery, Coffee Shop & Deli
Pages With Purpose Book Club (Book Club for 13-17 year old girls, Lurgan)
Today at 7:00 PM
AEon Community Arts Limited
Pages With Purpose Book Club (Book Club for 13-17 year old girls, Lurgan)
Today at 7:00 PM
AEon Community Arts Limited