Sapphire room boise events in Boise City, ID
Summer Art Camp, Session 1-- in Hidden Springs/Boise--Ages 5.5-`14.
Tue, May 27, 9:30 AM
Instructor's home Studio
Summer Art Camp, Session 1-- in Hidden Springs/Boise--Ages 5.5-`14.
Tue, May 27, 9:30 AM
Instructor's home Studio
RivetSkull Presents: a DIO Music Celebration @ Heritage Social Club
Sat, Mar 22, 7:00 PM
Heritage Social
RivetSkull Presents: a DIO Music Celebration @ Heritage Social Club
Sat, Mar 22, 7:00 PM
Heritage Social
BRANCH WEAVING Wall Hanging Workshop at Boise Booch
Tue, Apr 8, 6:00 PM
Boise Booch Hard and Craft Kombucha Brewery & Taproom
BRANCH WEAVING Wall Hanging Workshop at Boise Booch
Tue, Apr 8, 6:00 PM
Boise Booch Hard and Craft Kombucha Brewery & Taproom