Afro events in Lille, France
Beauty Showroom & Atelier peaux riches en mélanine et cheveux afro-texturés
Sun, Apr 13, 9:30 AM
Beauty Showroom & Atelier peaux riches en mélanine et cheveux afro-texturés
Sun, Apr 13, 9:30 AM
GRUUT LAWIJT IV: Kludde, A Thousand Sufferings and friends
Sun, Apr 20, 4:30 PM
Rembert Dodoensdreef 1
GRUUT LAWIJT IV: Kludde, A Thousand Sufferings and friends
Sun, Apr 20, 4:30 PM
Rembert Dodoensdreef 1
Improvisation Dance with Petra Van Gompel
Today at 7:15 PM
Serendip Spa, Place Stéphanie, Brussels, Belgium
Improvisation Dance with Petra Van Gompel
Today at 7:15 PM
Serendip Spa, Place Stéphanie, Brussels, Belgium
Colloque Afropathologies #3
Sat, Apr 5, 10:00 AM
Le Centre Culturel et de Congrès de Woluwe St-Pierre
Colloque Afropathologies #3
Sat, Apr 5, 10:00 AM
Le Centre Culturel et de Congrès de Woluwe St-Pierre
Empowered & Resilient: African diaspora women in the agrofood sector
Wednesday at 4:30 PM
CNCD-11.11.11 asbl
Empowered & Resilient: African diaspora women in the agrofood sector
Wednesday at 4:30 PM
CNCD-11.11.11 asbl