Travel & outdoor events in Oak Bay, Canada
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Travel & Outdoor
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Travel & Outdoor
Salish Sea Open Water Birding & Wildlife Cruise, By San Juan Cruises
Saturday at 12:30 PM
Semiahmoo Resort Plover Dock
Salish Sea Open Water Birding & Wildlife Cruise, By San Juan Cruises
Saturday at 12:30 PM
Semiahmoo Resort Plover Dock
Bus Charter Guided Field Trip to Reifel Bird Sanctuary , Delta BC, Canada
Tomorrow at 8:00 AM
The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Bus Charter Guided Field Trip to Reifel Bird Sanctuary , Delta BC, Canada
Tomorrow at 8:00 AM
The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Marvelous Marine Mammals
Sat, Mar 22, 1:00 PM
Rosario - additional navigation instructions included in confirmation email
Marvelous Marine Mammals
Sat, Mar 22, 1:00 PM
Rosario - additional navigation instructions included in confirmation email
Shifting Shorelines
Sat, Apr 12, 1:00 PM
West Beach - additional navigation instructions included in confirmation email
Shifting Shorelines
Sat, Apr 12, 1:00 PM
West Beach - additional navigation instructions included in confirmation email
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